Upcoming Events

Earl Henderson Trail Hike

Earl Henderson Trail at Shannon Trailhead S. Araby Drive in Araby Wash, Palm Springs

Our volunteers will take you on a guided hike through the Santa Rosa & San Jacinto Mountains National Monument!Enjoy this easy hike along the hillside above Araby Wash. Explore the […]


Indio Badlands Trail Full Moon Hike – 7pm Group

Indio Hills Badlands Trail Golf Center Parkway, Indio

Experience the desert in the moonlight!Strap on your hiking boots for a full moon hike on the first mile of the Indio Badlands Trail. As we embark on this hike, […]


Indio Badlands Trail Full Moon Hike – 7:15p Group

Indio Hills Badlands Trail Golf Center Parkway, Indio

Experience the desert in the moonlight!Strap on your hiking boots for a full moon hike on the first mile of the Indio Badlands Trail. As we embark on this hike, […]


Excursión Bajo la Luna Llena en el Sendero Indio Hills

Indio Hills Badlands Trail Golf Center Parkway, Indio

Nuestros voluntarios lo llevarán en una caminata a la luz de la luna a través de las tierras baldías de Indio.Póngase las botas de montaña para una caminata bajo la […]


Indio Badlands Trail Full Moon Hike – 7:45p Group

Indio Hills Badlands Trail Golf Center Parkway, Indio

Experience the desert in the moonlight!Strap on your hiking boots for a full moon hike on the first mile of the Indio Badlands Trail. As we embark on this hike, […]
